You're a Glorious Badass

By Dana

You're so much stronger than you think you are.

With decades under your belt... You've moved mountains, accomplished great things  and overcome lots of challenges. You've been doing that since the day you were born. And you've become stronger with every win and with every challenge you've overcome.

You just don't think about that.

In fact, you likely do the opposite.

We humans tend to think about the problems, challenges and the thing we didn't do so well. We don't dwell on the wins, in fact, we often gloss over them. Trust me, you have lots of wins. And if you don't remember them, it's not your fault... because we all are wired with a negativity bias.

You need to even out your mental database

Let's take a little stock shall we?

Here's your homework.. I want you to create your big, bold badass list.

It's a running list of all your accomplishments big and small, the challenges you've overcome, the moments you're proud of AND all the things you love about yourself.

Do it.

And no worries if you draw a blank, you're likely not accustomed to thinking this way. Have fun, no pressure, and come back and add to the list tomorrow. And the next day. And the next. You'll be surprised by all the amazing awesomeness you come with.

Then next time when you're feeling stuck, stifled by self-doubt, overwhelmed or are down-in-the dumps, pull out your list and remind yourself who you truly are.

A glorious Badass!