We can’t wait to meet you!



Wendy Perrotti is a master-level Certified Professional Coach, speaker and leadership trainer with over 25 years of experience in helping individuals and groups nationwide to affect positive change in their lives.

Her intelligence, easy demeanor, unparalleled ability to listen and hear are just a few of the qualities that allow her to help clients tap into and utilize the insights they gain in working with her.  Wendy’s goal is to allow those she works with move past any of their self or societally imposed barriers to clarify and reach their goals.

Wendy combines her study and work in the fields of psychology, communications and neuroscience to fuel her passion for helping people grow.  Exploration, humor and creativity are all elements in her practice.

Wendy’s podcast, A Glimpse Inside: Moving People from Stuck to Happy has been downloaded over 2 million times.

She is a sought-after speaker and the author of the forthcoming book, Reclaiming Muchness.


Dana Hilmer is a master-level certified coach, positive psychology consultant, speaker and trainer and is passionate about helping women live courageously so they can build their dream and love their life.

Dana is no stranger to reinvention herself as mid-life is when she finally listened to her heart and stopped “shoulding all over herself” to do the work that she loves today.

Dana has been featured on hundreds of radio and television shows across the country and she speaks on topics related to mastering your mindset, optimal living, the habits of success and creating the life and work you love.

Dana is certified in the science and application of Positive Psychology with Tal Ben-Shahar at the Wholebeing Institute and served as a teaching assistant for the program.

Dana lives in Madison, CT with her husband and their three teenage boys.