It Doesn’t Matter At What Age You Start

by Dana

Happy Friday to you!

I’m dropping in to share some thoughts I’d love for you to play with this weekend….

What do YOU REALLY WANT to create in your life? Give yourself permission to dream and write it down.

What about you and your life circumstances will help you create this? Write a list of all your badass skills and strengths and the resources (people, money….) you have access to. 

I think you’ll realize that you’re so much stronger and more capable than you think you are! Also ,with a few decades under your belt, you have access to more people (and opportunities!) than you may immediately realize.

And what about you and your life circumstance might get in the way?

If not being “ready” popped up for you I want you to stop that limiting chatter and start right now. The only way you’ll  figure things out is by getting out of your head and into action. 

And if one of your limiting thoughts is you don’t have time, … you’re kidding yourself. You have time. The question is are you dedicating some of your precious time and energy to the actions that will move your life forward in the direction YOU WANT TO GO?

Be honest with yourself. Chances are you will find some nice nuggets of time when you start saying NO to things you don’t truly matter to you and spend less of your time on the mindless numbing habits that aren’t nourishing your soul. 

It only takes a few minutes a day to take a step and gain momentum toward your goal.

It doesn’t matter at what age you start. It matters that you start. 

It’s never too late to pursue a dream.