What do you look forward to?

By Dana

What are your first thoughts of the day?

Does it have something to do with the stuff you didn't get done yesterday? The many things you need to do today? Your concerns about tomorrow?

If yes, that is no way to start your day.

Instead, begin your day with a little anticipation....

Ask yourself... "What am I looking forward to today?

This is a question I ask myself in the shower every morning.

And if I can't think of anything, I create it.

Even the anticipation of something small... Calling a girlfriend, stretching, listening to music, going for a short walk...  shifts my focus and not surprisingly, elevates my day.

I began this practice about 5 years ago when I was sick, totally overwhelmed and waking up grumpy and depleted. This simple question shifts my focus in the moment AND reminds me that I deserve to enjoy my day, even when life feels tough and there's a big list waiting for me.

What do you look forward to today? I'd love to hear.