Is it Time to Face the Dragon?

By Wendy

There are a number of changes occurring in my life right now. Some, I've sought out; others have been knocking - harder and harder - at my door.

Maybe you've experienced that too?

The knocking is quiet at first.
Often, it's just an uneasy feeling somewhere in the body when certain subjects or circumstances present themselves.

Over time, the knocking grows louder as your somatic experience (in my case - a sinking feeling in the tummy) starts to merge with some recognition of what may be afoot.

The dragon is at the door.

This tends to follow a pretty predictable pattern.

ONE - If I ignore it, it will go away. It's all in my head after all.
TWO - Uh oh - this is too disruptive.
THREE - Surely I can make it work. No need to upset the apple cart.
The dragon does not like this and starts to assert herself with a bit more fire.
FOUR - F*#K. Now what?

Welcome to the crossroads.

What you do here will either make things easier for you - or a LOT harder. And I can guarantee you that the bigger your dragon, the harder it is to take the easier path.

That's because the easier path is ALWAYS disguised as the harder one.
It's unfamiliar.
It's disruptive.
It requires letting go.

On the other hand, the harder path feels easy - no matter how exhausting it actually is.
Nothing has to change on this path.
You get to keep plugging away on this path.
This path maintains the illusion that all is (or will be) well.

This path doesn't wind or climb; it loops.

ONE - If I ignore it, it will go away. It's all in my head after all.
TWO - Uh oh - this is too disruptive.
THREE - Surely I can make it work. No need to upset the apple cart.
The dragon does not like this. And starts to assert herself with a bit more fire.
FOUR - F*#K. Now what?

On each subsequent loop, the dragon gets louder.

ONE - It will take more energy to ignore her.
TWO - Your body will hate it. (headaches, fatigue, weight gain or loss, illness...)
THREE - You'll need to work harder and harder to keep things as they are.
Until finally...
FOUR - F*#K. I don't have a choice.

I have news for you, sweet friend...YOU are the dragon, and the path of the dragon is always tied to the past.

You can stay in your lair for eternity, fiercely protecting what you have and breathing fire on anything that disrupts your perceived peace, but the life of a dragon is a costly one, each loop taking more and more from you.

And what of that other path?

The one that looks more difficult - even terrifying - at first?

This path is tied to the future.
On this path, the dragon is transformed.
This is the path of the Pheonix - of continual life and rebirth.

You can't possibly know where the Phoenix will take you, but you will never find out while clinging to the charred remains the dragon is leaving in her wake.

If you ask me, I think it's time to fly.