Dogs Are Better Than People

An animal lovers guide to training humans
by Wendy Perrotti

Let me get something straight right from the beginning.

I tricked you.

Please don’t give up on me yet.  I think we can still be friends.

This isn’t about training humans. It’s about loving and being loved.


And I’ve never had a dog.


I know.
Really dirty trick.

But here’s the thing, loving people and being loved by people is really similar to loving animals and being loved by them.


Trust me.


Animals and I get on like peas and carrots now. I’m every dog's favorite auntie. And my cats? I’m pretty sure they think I’m some sort of feline queen.


But it didn’t used to be that way.


For a long time me and animals



But me and people? That’s another story. When it comes to human love, I’m like a fish in water.


I LEARNED to love animals. And when I did, like magic, they started loving me.


I did it by using my human loving skills, so I’m pretty sure it works in reverse.


Think about it...

Back an animal into a corner and they will either cower or attack you.

Back a human into a corner and they will either cower or attack you.


Mistrust an animal? They smell your fear from a mile away and they either want nothing to do with you or they get aggressive.

Same with humans.


Try to force an animal to love you and they run in the opposite direction.

You get the point.


There are SO many people out there who have missed out on the magical love we get from animals because some bad experiences have taught them to fear.


AND there are so many people who are missing out on the foundational love we get from human relationships because some bad experiences have taught them to fear.


Whether you're lacking love from friends with fur or friends without fur, fear is your only enemy. Any creature, approached with trust, love and patience, eventually reciprocates.


Give it a try.