Commit to what you want

If you lack clarity, or you find yourself chasing too many things and/or are distracted and perhaps even derailed every time a shining new opportunity appears, this Camp Notes is for you.

Over the next couple of weeks we are going to share with you some of the key elements of our proven process for crushing your goals that may be different than what you’ve done in the past. It’s a process that allows you to be nimble, to learn what works and what doesn’t and to adjust your plan along the way. It’s a process that’s grounded in science… and it works!

Your first step is to get super-clear on what you want.

The clearer you are about what you want, the better your chance is of actually achieving it. Clarity is power. And deciding what it is that you really want to achieve or experience or get is the first step to getting there.

As Lao Tzu shared, "At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want."

So why do so many of us idle in indecision and declare that we don’t know what we want?

Because we’re afraid.

We’re often afraid to admit what we want AND to own it.

We’re afraid we’re not good enough. We’re afraid to risk failure, disappointment and perhaps heartache and that is a whole lot of vulnerability and uncertainty that we’re not comfortable with.

So rather than admit and own what we really truly want, we hide. We hide behind something that is safer. We hide behind saying "I don’t know what I want."

For most of us (you, perhaps?) that is not true. Deep down most of us know what we want. The real challenge is moving from our vague notions of what we want to crystal clear goals AND owning that we do know what we want and to being courageous enough to commit and go for it.

So, what is it that truly lights you up? What do you want so badly that it excites you and scares you at the same time? What is that you want to create, accomplish and experience in this one beautiful life of yours?

Remember, your dreams matter and it’s never too late for you to pursue a dream.


What truly lights you up?

What do you want so badly that it excites you and scares you at the same time?

What is that you want to create, accomplish and experience in this one beautiful life of yours?

Wendy Perrotti